Mom Syndrome and House Cleaners @SavvyCleaner
Mom syndrome (could be dads too) is when mom meets the needs of others first. Mom syndrome is common among house cleaners and maids. Ask a house cleaner cleaning advice for maids who come home to a...
View ArticleHabits of People With Clean Homes
Habits of people with clean homes are obtainable. We all have habits, good or bad. So why not choose habits that help you organize your home? Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru says "come clean with...
View ArticleEmployees Who Love to Clean Houses
Employees who love to clean are on the wishlist of every cleaning service provider. But where exactly do you find employees who love to clean? We hear it all the time, "I want to grow my cleaning...
View ArticleKicked Out of House Cleaning Facebook Group
Kicked out of a Facebook Group for being a jerk? You're not alone. Over twenty people got kicked out of my Facebook Group today alone for being volatile, mean, anger issues or cursing. It was the last...
View ArticleMom Syndrome – Do You Have it?
Mom syndrome (could be dads too) is when mom meets the needs of others first. Mom syndrome is common among house cleaners and maids. Ask a house cleaner cleaning advice for maids who come home to a...
View ArticleI Should Have Said No – Weirdest Cleaning Requests
I should have said no to the weirdest cleaning requests. As a house cleaner or maid, we aim for customer service and customer satisfaction. But the day will come when you'll have a cleaning mistake...
View ArticleHow to Clean With Pumice Stones
Pumice stones are the craze of house cleaners. How do you clean with a pumie scouring stick? We Ask a House Cleaner what are pumice stones? And do you clean with a dry or a wet pumice stone? Angela...
View ArticleAshamed to be a House Cleaner or Maid
"I'm ashamed to be a house cleaner or a maid. I can't tell my friends about my blue-collar job issues. They'll be reluctant, hesitant or ashamed to hang out with me. I want to grow my cleaning business...
View ArticleMom Syndrome and House Cleaners @SavvyCleaner
Mom syndrome (could be dads too) is when mom meets the needs of others first. Mom syndrome is common among house cleaners and maids. Ask a house cleaner cleaning advice for maids who come home to a...
View ArticleMom Syndrome and House Cleaners @SavvyCleaner
Mom syndrome (could be dads too) is when mom meets the needs of others first. Mom syndrome is common among house cleaners and maids. Ask a house cleaner cleaning advice for maids who come home to a...
View ArticleI Should Have Said No – Weirdest Cleaning Requests
I should have said no to the weirdest cleaning requests. As a house cleaner or maid, we aim for customer service and customer satisfaction. But the day will come when you'll have a cleaning mistake...
View ArticleHabits of People With Clean Homes
Habits of people with clean homes are obtainable. We all have habits, good or bad. So why not choose habits that help you organize your home? Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru says "come clean with...
View ArticleEmployees Who Love to Clean Houses
Employees who love to clean are on the wish list of every cleaning service provider. But where exactly do you find employees who love to clean? We hear it all the time, "I want to grow my cleaning...
View ArticleKicked Out of House Cleaning Facebook Group
Kicked out of a Facebook Group for being a jerk? You're not alone. Over twenty people got kicked out of my Facebook Group today alone for being volatile, mean, anger issues or cursing. It was the last...
View ArticleHow to Clean With Pumice Stones
Pumice stones are the craze of house cleaners. How do you clean with a pumie scouring stick? We Ask a House Cleaner what are pumice stones? And do you clean with a dry or a wet pumice stone? Angela...
View ArticleAshamed to be a House Cleaner or Maid
"I'm ashamed to be a house cleaner or a maid. I can't tell my friends about my blue-collar job issues. They'll be reluctant, hesitant or ashamed to hang out with me. I want to grow my cleaning business...
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